Dragon 165

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The Dragon Issue #165, Vol. XV,No. 8

dateJanuary 1991
editorRoger E. Moore
cover artistFred Fields
formatstaple-bound magazine
preceded byDragon 164
followed byDragon 166
table of contents

<TOC> P:Dragon I:165

S:Special Attractions 9^The World Beneath the Waves 10^Anchors and Arrows - Prepare to ram! Naval rules for 1st Edition BATTLESYSTEM games^Thomas M. Kane 16^The Dragon's Bestiary - Why a giant archerfish doesn't need a bow to bring down prey^Tim Malto 18^Undersea Priests - Can a merman cleric cast a flame strike? No - but he can do better^Randy Maxwell

S:Other Features 26^The Role of Books - What if your computerized fantasy game became real - and you were trapped inside it?^John C. Bunnell 41^The Voyage of the Princess Ark - The admiral visits faraway places and meets many people who want to kill him^Bruce A. Heard 47^The Role of Computers - Why your PC/MS-DOS game crashes, and how to run a railroad and not go broke^Hartley Lesser^Patricia Lesser^Kirk Lesser 58^The Curse-maker - Who would curse a bard, and why? His friends would stop at nothing to find out^Laurell K. Hamilton 66^Role-playing Reviews - Mayfair's DC HEROES role-playing game: The universe changes, but the game remains a winner^Allen Varney 71^The Marvel-Phile - Four new villians who use their brains and their brawn^Dale A. Donovan 74^Maneuvering for Victory - Give your fighters extra punch with 36 special maneuvers^Cory S. Kammer 82^Square Pegs and Round Holes - An SF module for a fantasy campaign using Wild West characters?^Jerold M. Stratton 88^The Game Wizards - Giants and Dragons - who needs 'em? The fiends have returned!^Timothy B. Brown 104^Through the Looking Glass - In space, no one can hear you blow up: a review of Iron Crown's SILENT DEATH game^Robert Bigelow

S:Departments 5^Letters 6^Editorial 30^Convention Calendar 34^TSR Previews 35^Forum 91^Sage Advice 94^Dragonmirth 96^Twilight Empire^Stephen D. Sullivan^John M. Hebert^Matt Mattick 100^Gamers' Guide
