Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants

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Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants

publisherWizards of the Coast
dateAugust, 2023
authorJames Wyatt
cover artistCynthia Sheppard (Standard Cover), Olena Richards (Alternate Cover)
product categorysourcebooks, rulebooks
product codexxxx (Standard Cover), D24320000 (Alternate Cover)
MSRPU.S. $59.95 - CAN $78.95
ISBNxxxxxxxxxx (Standard Cover), 0786968990 (Alternate Cover)
ISBN13xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Standard Cover), 9780786968992 (Alternate Cover)

History of the giants, from the Ordning to now, across all campaign settings; subclasses to let your character tap into the power of the giants; notes for roleplaying giants; suggested encounters; giant enclaves; adventure hooks; and a bestiary of monsters, old and new.

From the Title page:

Disclaimer: Bogby accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained by adventurers who seek out the glory of the giants without proper preparation, including but not limited to lightning strikes, falls from cloud castles, incineration, hypothermia, crushing boulders, or being sat upon.