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Post Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:37 pm 

I'd really like to see where the money went.. from what I can read between the lines it seems that there isn't much money left.. I know if it was me, and I actually had some money left I'd be giving an accounting of it.. there must have been some budget.. $20k for minis (not produced), $50k for printing (not printed), $40k for shipping (nothing shipped).. doesn't seem to be anything really done.. a computer bought, some programs for the computer.. game licence for monolopy clone..  a move across country? quit his job? all these things were(n't) origionally budgeted.. with the no comment on whats left (ie hay guys.. I have $80k left and I'll be refunding you that..) why was the money for shipping, production, minis spent and nothing producded at all? and when it LOOKED like that it needed to be spent why didn't he stop? I do think that it all comes down to experience.. no history on running a business, thinking he is already a success as he has $100k in the bank, take it easy, things will work out, when I start selling stuff I'll make a fortune and that will pay for the money I spent on stuff I shouldn't have.. I do belive that a couple of people do need to be made an example of.. the KS "Terms and conditions" are crap.. if the money is spent its spent, with little or no hope of getting anything back.. I have to laugh everytime someone brings them up.. "see he has to do it.. its in the terms and conditions..." what a crock..


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Post Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:46 pm 

Mars wrote in Kickstarter projects:
Badmike wrote in Kickstarter projects:

Yes!  Lehman Brothers comes to mind.  All the top bankers where cutting themselves millions of dollars is bonuses - even after the government stepped in to bail them out.  Not a single one was charged with fraud or asked to repay the millions they gave themselves while their companies crumbled.

But they are, ah, businessmen, not con men....ok, I can't say that with a straight face.....

Mike B.

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Post Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:57 am 

beasterbrook wrote in Kickstarter projects:I'd really like to see where the money went.. from what I can read between the lines it seems that there isn't much money left.. I know if it was me, and I actually had some money left I'd be giving an accounting of it.. there must have been some budget.. $20k for minis (not produced), $50k for printing (not printed), $40k for shipping (nothing shipped).. doesn't seem to be anything really done.. a computer bought, some programs for the computer.. game licence for monolopy clone..  a move across country? quit his job? all these things were(n't) origionally budgeted.. with the no comment on whats left (ie hay guys.. I have $80k left and I'll be refunding you that..) why was the money for shipping, production, minis spent and nothing producded at all? and when it LOOKED like that it needed to be spent why didn't he stop? I do think that it all comes down to experience.. no history on running a business, thinking he is already a success as he has $100k in the bank, take it easy, things will work out, when I start selling stuff I'll make a fortune and that will pay for the money I spent on stuff I shouldn't have.. I do belive that a couple of people do need to be made an example of.. the KS "Terms and conditions" are crap.. if the money is spent its spent, with little or no hope of getting anything back.. I have to laugh everytime someone brings them up.. "see he has to do it.. its in the terms and conditions..." what a crock..


What a crook, well a stupid crook which tends to be a pretty common element.

But what astounds me are the number of people willing to let him slide or even give him a pat on the back (especially the ones praising him for stepping forward when it appears he only did so after a month and a lawyer firmly pointed at his back). I just have to ask these people whose money are stolen; What does it take to get you angry, Amish?

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Post Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:38 am 

JasonZavoda wrote in Kickstarter projects:What a crook, well a stupid crook which tends to be a pretty common element.

Agreed.  I'm still trying to figure out why he came out and cancelled the project?  From what I've read of the Kickstarter policy this seems to be the worst thing to do.  By cancelling the project, he is forced into giving them refunds.  

He could have dragged it out a couple more years, gone back to work, and raised the necessary money or even had the figures produced and put them up for sale to raise some extra money, etc.  He could have also, created the game without the monopoly license and got it out to everyone before getting slapped with a cease and desist letter.  It makes me wonder how much would actually have to change to make it different enough to not even need the monopoly license.


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Post Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:48 am 

Hi all,
to thank our backers and to motivate all others, we launch THE SUMMER GAME in parallel of the Ulule Grimtooth Souscription.
So what's this mysterious game? You can read the complete news on our Ululu page Grimtooth 3.0: l'encyclopédie des pièges machiavéliques - Toutes les news - Ulule

For those who cannot read French, here is a quick summary: open to all backers, the goal of this game is to reach a hidden treasure in a donjon designed by Grimtooth himself. Each week we will give clue to go through the several steps and traps. The one who find all solutions will win the highest pledge level and will suggest the 102th traps which will get his name!
Ask for any question :)

Grimtooth 3.0: l'encyclopédie des pièges machiavéliques - Toutes les news - Ulule


Pour la première fois dans l'histoire des souscriptions de jeux de rôle, un jeu est lancé en parallèle pour vous permettre de remporter le palier maximum quelle que soit votre souscription initiale ! Du jamais vu avant ! Ouvert à tous les souscripteurs, ce jeu se présente sous la forme d'indices/énigmes à résoudre afin d'accéder à un trésor oublié en déjouant les pièges terribles dressés par Grimtooth. Un tirage au sort parmi les souscripteurs ayant toutes les bonnes réponses désignera celui qui sera digne de proposer l'idée pour le 102ème piège du livre, baptisé de son pseudo !

Le trésor d'Usak le maudit :

A l'aube du dernier millénaire, Usak fut nommé premier questeur du Royaume du Phare Isa-Isthme. En charge de l'immense trésor du roi, il n'avait de cesse de tourmenter tout noble ne s'acquittant pas de son dû envers le royaume. Mais cette gigantesque manne lui fit tourner la tête, chaque pièce d'or de plus dans les caisses le rapprochant de sa propre cupidité. Et il se laissa bercer par ses faiblesses, les embrassa même. Tant et si bien, qu'il se mit à ourdir de sombres manigances avec certains alliés gagnés à sa cause (gagnés à son enrichissement personnel, devrait-on dire). Loin d'avoir l'ingéniosité que la cour lui prêtait, il ne parvint pas à faire passer inaperçues ses concussions et son péculat fut démasqué. Se prétendant porteur de valeurs morales, le roi ne se résolut pas à lui donner une peine à la hauteur de ses forfaitures. Il se contenta de l'enfermer avec ses richesses volées au plus profond d'une geôle où nul ne pourrait le retrouver. Il demanda alors à Grimtooth de concevoir une forteresse inexpugnable. Truffé de pièges diaboliques, ce tombeau garderait l'abject secret d'Usak pour l'éternité…

C'était sans compter sur l'astuce de l'impénitent Maître Sinh ! Bien des siècles s'étaient écoulés et alors qu'il feuilletait un antique grimoire de cuisine décrivant comment préparer d'anciens mets oubliés dans de vieux pots, le vieil érudit dénicha un parchemin dissimulé dans la couverture. Une lettre du roi à son nouveau questeur où il expliquait son plan et donnait des indices pour retrouver le trésor en cas de nécessité absolue ! Il était mentionné que le trésor abritait un ouvrage capital, le célèbre manuel de pièges de Grimtooth. Tandis qu'on le pensait disparu depuis des centaines d'années, il était là, à portée des yeux impies ! Le roi, dans son infinie pitié, avait glissé dans le trésor un parchemin crypté qui permettait de retrouver la sortie sans encombre… L'arthrose de Maître Sinh lui interdisant toute aventure, il décida de quérir l'aide des plus fins esprits du Royaume…

Qui d'entre vous osera défier la forteresse aménagée par Grimtooth ? Lequel d'entre vous déjouera tous les pièges qu'il a tendu, pénètrera dans la salle du trésor pour y découvrir le manuel et le parchemin et ressortira vivant ?

Comment jouer ?

Le but de ce jeu accessible à tous les souscripteurs est d'accéder au trésor d'Uzak le maudit et de ressortir vivant après avoir récupéré le grimoire. Pour cela, il vous faut franchir différentes étapes. Pour franchir chaque étape, une énigme ou un indice vous sera fourni toutes les semaines. A la fin de la souscription, il vous suffira de renvoyer la réponse par mail avec votre pseudo de souscripteur. Un tirage au sort sera effectué parmi ceux qui auront franchi toutes les étapes (qui auront donné la bonne solution à chaque étape) et le vainqueur verra sa souscription convertie en Bras droit de Grimtooth (120€) quelque soit son niveau de souscription et son nom inscrit au tableau d'honneur. S'il a déjà souscrit à ce niveau, à la place il remportera un niveau Pillard Légendaire en plus de sa souscription initiale !

Quelles sont ces étapes ?

Etape 1 : accéder au trésor

1. Entrer dans la forteresse : indice 1

2. S'orienter dans le dédale de couloirs et déjouer les pièges tendus par Grimtooth : indice 2

3. Découvrir l'entrée de la salle au trésor : indice 3

Etape 2 : trouver le grimoire et le parchemin, puis déchiffrer le parchemin

- Découvrir le grimoire et le parchemin contenu dedans : indice 4

- Déchiffrer le parchemin : indice 5

Etape 3 : découvrir le passage secret menant vers la sortie et transporter le trésor

- Découvrir et ouvrir le passage secret vers la sortie : indice 6

- Transporter le trésor en déjouant le piège ultime : indice 7

Semaine 1 : Indice 1

Retrouvez l'indice sur Ulule et franchissez dès maintenant la première étape!
Grimtooth 3.0: l'encyclopédie des pièges machiavéliques - Toutes les news - Ulule

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:40 am 

Mike Nystul's latest Update:

I have no company and my credibility is shot, effectively my career in this industry may well be over but that doesn't matter.

"May Well" be over? Optimistic little fuck, isn't he?  Nothing like losing 75k that MAY WELL signal the end of your career in the gaming industry...

Mike B.

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:56 am 

Badmike wrote in Kickstarter projects:Mike Nystul's latest Update:

I have no company and my credibility is shot, effectively my career in this industry may well be over but that doesn't matter.

"May Well" be over? Optimistic little fuck, isn't he?  Nothing like losing 75k that MAY WELL signal the end of your career in the gaming industry...

Mike B.

Link, Mike, or it never happened.  :P

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:33 am 

What happened to the Nystul Kickstarter?  I recall there was some fanfare last year,  I didn't back it though.

I draw the line at collecting... D&D beach towels.

Shoulda been: ".. from Pangreenia to Floratopolis, from mystical Treeonia of spectral Forests to Schruborial dimensions." - The Forests of Leng


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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:45 am 

Thunderdave wrote in Kickstarter projects:What happened to the Nystul Kickstarter?  I recall there was some fanfare last year,  I didn't back it though.

All three went belly-up.  Nystul attempted to form a gaming company (instead of getting the three projects he had promoted out) and a large-scale gaming con in Austin. Doug and I can tell you first hand a gaming con is a money-suck, and especially if you don't know what you are doing.  In the end the con was canceled, the gaming company never developed, and Nystul supposedly has none of the money, nearly 75k, from all his kickstarters and no kickstarter product to release. Two have had the IP transferred to other people (Nystul's Infinite Dungeon and Cairn) to presumably be released in some form (but not with all the bells and whistles of the kickstarter); Axe and Anvils presumably will still be released someday but again not under kickstarter terms.  Frankly I doubt we'll see any of the three anytime soon; and frankly I don't consider Nystul to be employable at anything beyond a minimum wage job because of his epic misuse and wasting of funds.

Mike B.

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:51 am 

Yuck... thanks for the update and my sympathies to those who are getting shafted.

I draw the line at collecting... D&D beach towels.

Shoulda been: ".. from Pangreenia to Floratopolis, from mystical Treeonia of spectral Forests to Schruborial dimensions." - The Forests of Leng


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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:38 am 

Which Nystul project is the one that you got the update for?

EDIT:  looks like BadMike's quote came from the Cairn Kickstarter.

As far as I can tell, after passing off Infinite Dungeon to another company, that one still looks like it will get produced:

Cairn has also been passed to other hands and seems hopeful to produced.

Axes and Anvils seems like it is still Nystul's and he is working on it whenever he gets a chance.

Considering these were all due out by the end of last year and although they are working on these, it seems tough to say where the money is going to come from to get it printed, etc.  I guess its a choice, would you rather have someone come out and say that's it, no money left and its canceled or someone say no money but are going to keep going and draw it out?


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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:46 pm 

Badmike wrote in Kickstarter projects:
Thunderdave wrote in Kickstarter projects:What happened to the Nystul Kickstarter?  I recall there was some fanfare last year,  I didn't back it though.

All three went belly-up.  Nystul attempted to form a gaming company (instead of getting the three projects he had promoted out) and a large-scale gaming con in Austin. Doug and I can tell you first hand a gaming con is a money-suck, and especially if you don't know what you are doing.  In the end the con was canceled, the gaming company never developed, and Nystul supposedly has none of the money, nearly 75k, from all his kickstarters and no kickstarter product to release. Two have had the IP transferred to other people (Nystul's Infinite Dungeon and Cairn) to presumably be released in some form (but not with all the bells and whistles of the kickstarter); Axe and Anvils presumably will still be released someday but again not under kickstarter terms.  Frankly I doubt we'll see any of the three anytime soon; and frankly I don't consider Nystul to be employable at anything beyond a minimum wage job because of his epic misuse and wasting of funds.

Mike B.

would you really want him flipping your burger at mcdonald's?

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:09 pm 

stratochamp wrote in Kickstarter projects:
Badmike wrote in Kickstarter projects:
All three went belly-up.  Nystul attempted to form a gaming company (instead of getting the three projects he had promoted out) and a large-scale gaming con in Austin. Doug and I can tell you first hand a gaming con is a money-suck, and especially if you don't know what you are doing.  In the end the con was canceled, the gaming company never developed, and Nystul supposedly has none of the money, nearly 75k, from all his kickstarters and no kickstarter product to release. Two have had the IP transferred to other people (Nystul's Infinite Dungeon and Cairn) to presumably be released in some form (but not with all the bells and whistles of the kickstarter); Axe and Anvils presumably will still be released someday but again not under kickstarter terms.  Frankly I doubt we'll see any of the three anytime soon; and frankly I don't consider Nystul to be employable at anything beyond a minimum wage job because of his epic misuse and wasting of funds.

Mike B.

would you really want him flipping your burger at mcdonald's?

Just dont let him near the cash register...

Mike B.

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:12 pm 

Mars wrote in Kickstarter projects:Which Nystul project is the one that you got the update for?

EDIT:  looks like BadMike's quote came from the Cairn Kickstarter.

As far as I can tell, after passing off Infinite Dungeon to another company, that one still looks like it will get produced:

Cairn has also been passed to other hands and seems hopeful to produced.

Axes and Anvils seems like it is still Nystul's and he is working on it whenever he gets a chance.

Considering these were all due out by the end of last year and although they are working on these, it seems tough to say where the money is going to come from to get it printed, etc.  I guess its a choice, would you rather have someone come out and say that's it, no money left and its canceled or someone say no money but are going to keep going and draw it out?

The new holder of the Cairn license says he's going to have to charge for shipping, but at this point would you throw good money after bad?  I'm not sure I would.  Honestly I think I might rather the guy say no money, nothing.  The products that are coming out (Nystul's Infinite Dungeon and Cairn) look pretty gutted and not what anyone wanted in the first place.  I'd especially be pissed if I paid a premium price for one of the bonus levels of sponsorship, because those definitely aren't being fufilled.

Mike B.

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:34 pm 

Another dead kickstarter by the looks.. this one bearly finished funding before the shit hit the fan

Odin's Ravens by Works, Ltd. — Kickstarter

Odins Ravens..


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Post Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:56 pm 

beasterbrook wrote in Kickstarter projects:Another dead kickstarter by the looks.. this one bearly finished funding before the shit hit the fan

Odin's Ravens by Works, Ltd. — Kickstarter

Odins Ravens..


That's one  freaky story.

Simpy disappeared off the face of the earth with the money.  At least it happened so quickly that people are getting CC refunds pretty easily.

Mike B.

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Post Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:20 am 

Badmike wrote in Kickstarter projects:
beasterbrook wrote in Kickstarter projects:Another dead kickstarter by the looks.. this one bearly finished funding before the shit hit the fan

Odin's Ravens by Works, Ltd. — Kickstarter

Odins Ravens..


That's one  freaky story.

Simpy disappeared off the face of the earth with the money.  At least it happened so quickly that people are getting CC refunds pretty easily.

Mike B.

I think the posts from his Mom (real or fake) are the creepiest thing about the Odin's Ravens story. I did check the link from the comments section to that site supposedly listing the biggest kickstarter frauds and no mention of Doom just yet. I wonder how many of the kickstarters are frauds? All this delay, delay , delay, even from the reputable companies just makes it harder and harder to get any kind of Credit card refund.

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Post Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:15 pm 

Mars wrote in Kickstarter projects:I guess its a choice, would you rather have someone come out and say that's it, no money left and its canceled or someone say no money but are going to keep going and draw it out?

I think I'd rather have it just be over.  I got lucky on Dwimmermount and jumped on the short window when they were offering refunds, but Infinite Dungeon looks like it's going to be a loss for me.  At least I wasn't into it too heavily.

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