Dungeon Masters Guide  Foreign Editions                        HomeUp

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Guide du Maître

Identical in style to the Fifth print of the U.S. version (orange spine).  (Thanks to Slaheddine Kefi for this info, and to Antoine Pressard for the scan).


Guide du Maître

Identical in style to the Fifth print of the U.S. version (orange spine).  (Thanks to Slaheddine Kefi for this info, and to Antoine Pressard for the scan).


Handbuch für Spielleiter

Identical in style to the Fifth print of the U.S. version (orange spine).  (Thanks to Frank Dyck for the scan).


Handbuch für Spielleiter, Korrigierte Seiten
(Dungeon Masters Guide Addendum)

Apparently, the original print of the German DMG had numerous errors in the appendices, so this 48-page booklet was issued (for free!) as a correction.  The pages are numbered from 241-288 and it was presumably designed to attach to the end of the DMG.  Consists of the appendices, a glossary and an index.  (Thanks to Stefan Beate for this info, and to Adrian Newman for the scan).