B5 Horror on the Hill  Foreign Editions                                HomeUp

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B5 Horreur sur la Colline

Thanks to Antoine Pressard for the scan.

B1 Hügel des Grauens

Note that the code for this module is "B1".  (Thanks to Adrian Newman for the scan).

B5 Horror on the Hill

Thanks to Or Lev for the scan.

B5 Horror on the Hill

Thanks to Richard van Tol for the scan.

B5 De Schrik Van De Heuvel

Features cover artwork originally used for the US version of DL5 Dragons of Mystery.  (Thanks to Paul Stormberg for the scan).

B5 Colina do Terror

The only module ever translated into Portuguese.  (Thanks to Pedro Lisboa for this info, and the scan).

B5 La Colina del Horror

This module was advertised in the catalog of the D&D Basic Set Players Manual, but apparently never published.  If anyone actually spots this module, please let us know!  (Thanks to Andrés Otero for this info).

B5 Fasornas berg

Size is UK-standard A4.  No other differences.  (Thanks to Niklas Nordgren for the scan).