*Click on the images to enlarge.
The Warlord's Tactical Manual covers strategies and gives a visual listing of all cards.
Click the image to go to an alphabetical list of cards and images in 3x3 card holders, as depicted by the thumbnail, organized by card name and type.
Click the image to have a closer look at the difference between first edition and second edition cards.

The Blood Wars Dual Deck Packs came in a larger display box. If there was a II on the left above the TSR logo, it was a box of second edition dual decks.
The first expansion packs were entitled Rebels and Reinforcements which featured the Lady of Pain as the ultra rare card.
The second expansion packs were entitled Factols and Factions and featured the Key of Pain as the ultra rare card.
The third expansion packs were entitled Powers and Proxies and featured the Floating Gods as the ultra rare card.

The cards came in light plastic wrappers that were heat-sealed shut to prevent tampering.

Blood Wars small rule book came backaged in with the dual decks starter packs.
The dual decks inside the dual deck display box came packaged like this, with two decks of cards and an instruction booklet individually shrink wrapped.
This is an example of one kind of packaging for the dual decks sold independently of the display boxes, this one in particular being a Best Buy exclusive. It included two starter decks, rules, and a bonus pack of E2 cards. (These dual decks seem to contain third edition cards.)
The Blood Wars promo poster was sent out to stores and hobby shops to promote the release of the tcg.
Blood Wars promo t-shirt. If you would like to donate information on this item, please contact Azurah via PM or [email protected]